We are offering the tutorials below on https://cypher.global/
Scroll down to learn more about Cypher Global and our services on the app!

We are collaborating with Cypher Global and are currently providing these services on their platform:
- New tutorials
- A video feedback service
- Recorded performances
- Free artistic films
Join their platform today by visiting this link https://cypher.global/  and then type SOULMATIC to find our page.

About Cypher Global:
«Cypher is an ecosystem and a safeplace for Streetdance and other Urban Arts, where artists monetize their talents and fans can directly support the artists they love.

In Cypher, artists can create a portfolio of their arts and also host their communities to directly communicate to share knowledge and experience.

When a fan purchases contents or services on Cypher, anywhere from 75% to 85% of the money goes to the artists and their collaborators.

The remainder goes to Cypher as revenue share for building and maintaining the platform and for payment and processing fees.

We only make money when artists make a lot more money and we will strive to help create the world where artists can focus on creating and truly living their lives as artists!

Be part of the new streetdance ecosystem to provide longevity for the artists!!»